Tibouchina 'Jazzie' Jazzie Tibouchina
Euonymus japonicus Japanese spindle
Buxus microphylla japonica Japanese Box
Buxus microphylla Faulkner 'Dwarf' Japanese Box
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Ivory Sheen' Ivory Sheen Kohuhu
Rhaphiolepis intermedia Intermediate Indian Hawthorn
Rhaphiolepis 'Hot Tips' Hot Tips Indian Hawthorn
Camellia hiemalis 'Hiryu' Hiryu Camellia
Syzygium australe 'Hinterland Gold' Hinterland Gold Lilly Pilly
Callistemon 'Hannah Ray' Hannah Ray Bottlebrush
Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream' Gulf Stream Heavenly Bamboo
Vaccinium 'Gulf Coast' Gulf Coast Blueberry
Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' Grey Owl Juniper
Coprosma 'Green and Gold' Green and Gold Coprosma
Carissa macrocarpa Green Carpet
Camellia japonica 'Great Eastern' Great Eastern Camellia
Callistemon salignus 'Great Balls of Fire' Great Balls of Fire Bottlebrush
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball' Golf Ball Kohuhu
Thuja orientalis 'Nana Aurea' Golden Biota
Hedera helix 'Goldchild' Goldchild English Ivy
Camellia sasanqua 'Gay' Gay Camellia
Syzygium francisii Francis's Lilly Pilly
Grevillea 'Forest Rambler' Forest Rambler Grevillea
Acmena smithii 'Forest Flame' Forest Flame Lilly Pilly
Metrosideros 'Firecracker' Firecracker Metrosideros
Viburnum odoratissimum 'Emerald Lustre' Emerald Lustre Viburnum
Polygala myrtifolia 'Little Bibi' Dwarf Sweet Pea Shrub
Camellia japonica 'Desire' Desire Camellia
Carissa macrocarpa Desert Star
Rhaphiolepis delacourii Delacour's Rhaphiolepis
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